Estimate Vehicle Damage
Cartech has provided electronic, professional and professional vehicle damage assessment service in accordance with the best international standards and standards, to shorten and facilitate procedures in minor damage incidents.
Electronic Claim
Cartech provides customers with an electronic claim receipt and referral service to signed insurance companies to obtain repair compensation for their vehicle without having to visit a branch of insurance companies to deliver documents and raise the claim.

Moving Estimation
With Cartech , save time and effort, with a mobile recognition service that you can apply wherever you are in the Riyadh area.

Vehicle Safety Check
Cartech offers a vehicle safety check service, which is done with the latest hardware and software specialized in diagnosing and identifying the type of mechanical or electronic non-accident faults.
Logistics Services
Cartech offers automotive logistics, professional services such as maintenance, polishing, and any automotive accessories with technical advice for any vehicle.
Determine The Market Value
Cartach offers market value determination by fully evaluating it, allowing customers to accurately and appropriately price the vehicle for sale.
Road Assistance
Our vehicle technology company provides roadside assistance to our shared vehicles with our Riyadh Center, a service available 24 hours a day for all our customers.

Fault Insurance
We provide fault insurance for the vehicle being checked, as well as insurance for the safety of the parts documented in the report.